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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Can a Science lover be religious?

For the past days because of the event occurred in Fatima and you can see it in my last post I've had a chat with a very well know Astrobiologist in Portugal (Dr. Carlos Oliveira) in his blog AstroPt (In Portuguese). Has been a typical chat between a religious (me) and a skeptic.
The conversation is in Portuguese, if you know this language why not to visit.
Science do not and did not kill Religion and never will, and I love some science areas and we can have a safe  and honest view from science and the compatibility remains intact.
They laugh with some religious facts and I laugh from some science facts, so we are even.
Their lack of faith even for the existence of Jesus can be the same for my lack of faith for the so certain true that Universe has 13.7 billion years. ( They want proofs, so I ask them the same proofs). Every thought, study or any interpretation coming from humankind can contain errors, misunderstandings and faith, this so simple word and feeling is powerful enough to win even a Nuclear Bomb (Science?)

Yes, you can be a Science lover and religious, the mystery of life will never be found (No matter the theories coming from no matter who).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Once again the Sun shines in Fatima.

Every year in Fatima, Portugal, a multitude of people celebrates and remembers Our Lady in that specific location. Day May 13 is the most special day and this year something amazing happened in Fatima.
In the right moment when almost 250000 people were seeing a video in the sanctuary to remember our beloved John Paul II a beautiful Solar Halo appeared, coincidence or something more?
I already wrote something about this event in Youtube and others and I will not lose more time and extrapolating with words this event. The "brains" will see no more than a very well known event, even adding the occurred timing.


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