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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Technologization and YOU!

I have mentioned last year here in my blog how globalization and industrialization have influenced the world so drastically centuries ago, and I have wrote about what would be the next and the third "..ization" with a so strong and drastic influence for once again we see the world trembling from it.
I think we should not lose more time looking for that "word". TECHNOLOGIZATION

I was for some days with this word in my mind, and since then I was thinking what to write about it. Some hours ago coincidentally, Steve Jobs died and he was among others one of the few (No matter if others refers to dozens or hundreds, they still are few) that helped this new era to emerge. Globalization was a slow mode process and looking for names are not so easy, but we can find them and Industrialization was done faster, but even that was not faster than Technologization.

We are in the middle of this Technologization process, but in the last 30 years this process are seeing a so strong and fast occurring, that all of us can put a question in our minds.- "Will it end, and When?"

I am myself a product of this "word". I can't live without it, and like me millions around the world, but the big question is, - Is it positive for humankind? and more, - This actual crisis, have technologization something to do with it? Industrialization and globalization didn't "kill" man relation with God and the religion, but trembled the world and new ideologies surged and Russia (Revolution) and Germany (War) were the main catalysts in past century. The world survived and will continue until God wishes.

And about YOU, the world are looking for signs, and each one of us can see them in different ways.
I leave here some fast interrogations and please, think about them!

- We are almost 7 billion in the world, how many cell phones are the "world" using? Try to find the answer!
- You and you, and you, and you and........(We can write word by word, almost 7 billion "You") each one of us are "you" and GOD sees us as "you". You need to have a single relation with God and the church will gather you with others "you". Try to see the meaning about the cell phones and you in this world.

The world are being selfish, poverty are not accepted anymore peacefully, everyday we can read from worldwide press terrific crimes, the world seems to be hypnotized by evil.
This month started hot in Europe and I suppose it will end, birds have fallen this year from the sky in several regions without a consensus explanation, and I do not want to scare you, but this month pray more than you are used to do, because next one will not be easy for all of us. (Pray, Fast and "kill" the selfishness in you).

Everyone knows how internet are being used for evil purposes, but evil can be used in everything else, the purposes of this post is not to argue about the end of the technologization process (It is impossible), the main reason is to see some signs that can change the world in so dramatic way and how humankind should see GOD in this so selfish and technological world.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Why are we living surrounded by hate?

The last Monthly (25Th August) message from Medjugorge says it all and Our Lady spoken : “Dear children! Today I call you to pray and fast for my intentions, because satan wants to destroy my plan. Here I began with this parish and invited the entire world. Many have responded, but there is an enormous number of those who do not want to hear or accept my call. Therefore, you who have said ‘yes’, be strong and resolute. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Hate and several others negative sentiments are the principal ingredients to destroy Our Lady plans, so I invite you to respond to Our Lady call. Fasting and praying! Can you respond to Our Lady plan?

You can't see the invisible plans that satan has, but believe me, if Our Lady is warning us, you must pay attention. Be humble, charitable, forgive all those with negative behaviors you see around you and do your daily prayers and fast with frequency.

I leave here Fatima live stream for you to be connected with Our Lady every weekday at 15:30 London Time (10:30 NY Time) Fatima Sanctuary Live


P.S. As most know Medjugorge is not approved by the church, but I find no problem in this message to be applied in this hate subject. Fasting and praying are weapons against the evil one. I advise if you want to follow Our Lady messages to find the official ones, read Medjugorge as a non-approved event and with extra care.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Petrus, will we continue to see the rock being torn apart?

We don't need to write too much lines to understand the role of CEPHAS in Christianity, these words coming from Jesus it is quite enough, "On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it."
It is awkward to see millions of Jesus followers, to do not understand the meaning and the importance of these words, they are telling us that only one "rock" can represent Jesus' church and that "rock" is represented among the living by the Pope, the first was Peter (Petrus and Cephas says it all, ROCK)
I know that every new year brings new ways from hundreds of people on how to read the bible and new "churches" will try to attract its new members, do they know the meaning of these words? Why is so difficult to accept the history and the beginning of Christianity, do those people understand that every new "church" created is like removing one more piece from the rock.
Soufanieh miracle (See  my post regarding this miracle) resumes God's desire for all to work for unity, Catholics and Orthodoxes are what Soufanieh represents and to see from time to time some more to work not for unity but to help increasing divisions are not understandable.
Go and read again the bold words in this post, if you loves Jesus so you must have faith in those words and please try to understand the reason why all of us must be with the Pope, no matter what is or will be his name, you must trust in GOD and in Jesus' rock.
Jesus words are prophetic and resumes what was, is and will be His church and don't forget that Chepas was the first and don't admitting that is denying Jesus words.
Who gives the authority for someone to create some "church" in Jesus name? I Invite you to think twice before your interest to join in some of these "churches", think first in Jesus, and go to a Catholic church (with or without people) and you will find Jesus there.

History is the main tree for understanding something, if you tell a story to a friend he will add for sure some note to that story, but he will not erase or modify the story in such a way capable to kill it, if he do that (erasing of modifying) he is a traitor, a liar and this is what we can see in all these new "churches", they follow the bible but they are erasing the history of the last 2000 years.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Idolatry - Don't waste your time with fundamentalisms.

Why there are so many Christians, especially the fundamentalists, where this issue (Idolatry) is so important in their writings, thoughts and speeches. We must go to Old Testament to see the major references about this issue, and in Exodus is where the MAJOR reference is, so in 20:4,6 we can read "Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. And shewing mercy unto thousands to them that love me, and keep my commandments."
We must focus all this issue with temporal and historical context. Why can't we see in Jesus' words references about this issue and there are very few references in New Testament and the ones we can read are not so relevant. God words are very relevant about Idolatry in the context where God's invisibility and God as the CREATOR can't be worshiped by any image or figures, and can't be compared with all gods or any representations (astronomy or others) that others worshiped for thousand of years and even today. Try to read the resume that Wikipedia offers us about this issue.
I invite you if you are a Fundamentalist Christian to reflect about these questions.

- Do you believe that GOD would let their followers (All Christians until Protestant reform) to live so many centuries with no tips about this so important issue (Old Testament) versus not so important issue (New Testament). Jesus turned GOD visible, so, then, this Idolatry issue is not so important anymore.
Catholics have in Jesus, their center, but they have also some space to love Mary and all Saints that lived according GOD wishes.

- New Testament gives some references about this issue, 1 John 15:21 " Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen." or 1 Corinthians 10:14 "Wherefore, my dearly beloved, fly from the service of idols." are some examples. Timeless words, so many people today that have as their idols, singers, some politic persons or others "gods" and put all them in first place in their lives. In Jesus time, the idols would be some gods, and all that could replace Jesus and be a competitor like today there are so many idols and visible ones that every day compete with Jesus for more space in their hearts. For some Jesus does not have any place, and is being replaced by so many things offered by this world.

- Why can't you see the difference from Old to New testament in some crucial issues, Does the early Christian traditions (Orthodox or Catholic) deserve to be sent to trash because some "Illuminati" (Reformists) suddenly discovered "new" and "fresh" ways how to read the bible.

- Doesn't Jesus be consistently refuted by many, because divergences in some Old Testaments words, and the way they should be interpreted, so my advise is to do not waste so much time with fundamentalisms.
For the past 500 years we are seeing so many divisions and new Christians ramifications with its thoughts and interpretations how to follow Jesus, that can scare the future for the next 500 years. There is no problem to have a picture of Jesus in your room, no matter the way He looks, with or without a face. Your spirituality is not weaker or will not be stronger, because of that picture. The most important it is the image you have in your heart and not the one your eyes can see.


Let's see this beautiful video about Catholic and Orthodox Traditions.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Can a Science lover be religious?

For the past days because of the event occurred in Fatima and you can see it in my last post I've had a chat with a very well know Astrobiologist in Portugal (Dr. Carlos Oliveira) in his blog AstroPt (In Portuguese). Has been a typical chat between a religious (me) and a skeptic.
The conversation is in Portuguese, if you know this language why not to visit.
Science do not and did not kill Religion and never will, and I love some science areas and we can have a safe  and honest view from science and the compatibility remains intact.
They laugh with some religious facts and I laugh from some science facts, so we are even.
Their lack of faith even for the existence of Jesus can be the same for my lack of faith for the so certain true that Universe has 13.7 billion years. ( They want proofs, so I ask them the same proofs). Every thought, study or any interpretation coming from humankind can contain errors, misunderstandings and faith, this so simple word and feeling is powerful enough to win even a Nuclear Bomb (Science?)

Yes, you can be a Science lover and religious, the mystery of life will never be found (No matter the theories coming from no matter who).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Once again the Sun shines in Fatima.

Every year in Fatima, Portugal, a multitude of people celebrates and remembers Our Lady in that specific location. Day May 13 is the most special day and this year something amazing happened in Fatima.
In the right moment when almost 250000 people were seeing a video in the sanctuary to remember our beloved John Paul II a beautiful Solar Halo appeared, coincidence or something more?
I already wrote something about this event in Youtube and others and I will not lose more time and extrapolating with words this event. The "brains" will see no more than a very well known event, even adding the occurred timing.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Via Dolorosa - The route, the way, the passage!

Via Dolorosa is a street in old Jerusalem where Jesus walked trough His way to His crucification. The meaning in Portuguese is the same as Latin, VIA is the route, the way, the passage, DOLOROSA is the suffering, the painful path where GOD is showing how loves us.
Jesus followers at first had great difficulty to understand Jesus Passion and today thousands continue to do not understand. The power, all the human sentiments that can glorify a person only for his glorification means nothing to GOD's eyes and it is a brief personification only to human eyes and to our societies. Jesus,  the most valuable person that lived in our world died at human hands, the fear and ignorance from the responsible for Jesus's crucification are the same that across centuries and today don't follow and understand Jesus messages and His love.

Today I invite you to close your eyes only for a miserable 14 minutes and do in your mind and heart the stations of the cross, be humble, today more than ever and today is the right timing for you to forgive all the people that are hurting you, persecuting you, offending you and don't lose your trust in God and Jesus no matter what they are doing to you.

I will close this post with this message "Don't judge others by their appearance" you can see giants with  golden heart, don't be afraid of them and beware the wolves in sheep's clothing.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Close your eyes for a minute or two!

I invite you to close your eyes and if you are a woman think for some time as being Mary, if you are a man you must think you are Joseph. Leave all your troubles, your everyday trifle and your superior affairs to do this succinct momentum.
Now, imagine those key moments and experience that Mary and Joseph had in their lives, first the annunciation and second the dream, where Joseph cleans once for all the doubts about Mary pregnancy.
Can you feel in your soul the sentiments and the magnitude those moments had in their lives? Maybe not!
It is almost impossible for any of us to have a strong perception about those key moments that Mary and Joseph lived.
This short post is only to do a reflexion and to make you think what those moments can do to a single and every human and when you are reading the bible you must embody in your heart these key moments and understand that the relation between them was always with these moments in their souls and hearts.

P.S. - I have this blog for a awhile and because I am afraid to post some words that may not be according Catholic doctrine I was not so active about posting more how to read the bible, but I promise that as long I will be among you I'll be more active!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Some reflections about the issue of "Jesus's Brothers"

Among Christians this is a recurrent issue and in Christianity history was a issue that divided and helped to implement divisions and clashes. I am not a theologist, but as Catholic of course my directives and visions is going to the official Church guidelines about this issue.
I can't imagine that Mary with the huge task to raise Jesus and with the unique experience She had with their maternity, to be possible to imagine that Mary then could had more 6 or 7 children after Jesus birth.
Millions of Christians see this possibility as certain and reading Mathew 13:55 is giving to them the certainty they need. Bible do not give in my opinion concrete and no doubt guidelines about this issue, and Christianity records must be taken into account and the studies and opinions from so many people cannot be erased, not even the Protestantism views about this issue, but I am sorry to contradict who thinks Mary had more children, I tell you, do not doubt about Mary eternal virginity and have faith  in Virgin Mary and in Her role besides His Son, JESUS CHRIST, our SAVIOUR.
Let's see some chapters from the bible linked to this issue:

- Mathew 1:25 is one of the strong verses where non-Catholics see as the best example to say that Mary had more children. "And he knew her not till she brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."
The words Till and Firstborn are the strong allies for those that reading this sentence in a pragmatic way, sees with guarantee that Mary had more children. "Firstborn" only mention that Jesus was in fact the first Mary child, does not emphasize the possibility to have more than one child. "Till" is more complex, Isn't Mathew  reinforcing Mary's virginity, even with the "Till" in this sentence you can't presuming that Mary had more children.
I can say, "I will not leave this place till it rains", Can you be so sure that one day it will rain!

Before I continue my reflections on this issue, I must say that I have a strong conviction for a huge possibility for those Brothers and Sisters mentioned in Matthew 13:55-58 can be Joseph's sons and daughters, this is a strong possibility instead to be only their relatives, so let's read these verses.
(Just a note about Anna Katherina Emmerich visons, where she points all these "brothers" as being  Jesus' cousins, and Mary of Clopas' sons)

-Matthew 13:55-58 : "Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brethren James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Jude. And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence therefore hath he all these things? And they were scandalized in his regard. But Jesus said to them: A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. And he wrought not many miracles there, because of their unbelief."
 Where for most that sees in this verses the confirmation that Jesus had brothers and sisters, I see the opposite. "And he wrought not many miracles there, because of their unbelief." this unbelief can be seeing right now, where many see JESUS with those brothers and sisters like most people in that time, where He was brother of James, son of the carpenter and with Mary as His mother, but no, the carpenter was His tutor, Mary was more than only His mother and that unbelief was the sign of blindness where to see JESUS as the son of GOD was more than impossible.
Jesus not being Joseph's son, the possibility that all  "Brothers and Sisters" to all those people was because Joseph could well be father of all them by a past marriage. No one can say NO to this possibility like no one can say YES.
GOD choose Mary to be Jesus's Mother, but we can't forget that Joseph was included in GOD plans, a man with experience would be more likely to be part of the plan than a young man unskilled for the task and what a hard task to raise Jesus and to protect their family, this gives to us a strong possibility that Joseph was much older than Mary.
Where are Jesus's brothers when He was missing for two days, wasn't that celebrations time, a strong family event, why aren't their brothers with Mary? WHERE ARE THEY? If you say, some are very young and can be with relatives, I can say that all they are older than Jesus and most of them have their own families.
I know you will say, words that wasn't written can't be used to contradict a thesis, we must accept that the exact meaning of some words can deceived a complete judgement.

I will not even put emphasis here about all the others references in the bible to Jesus's brothers, because for me they are only Joseph's sons, relatives or "brothers" referring to His Apostles or followers, so no matter where the word will be used to mention "brother".
The complexity with repeated names in the bible can for sure mix all the genealogical simplicity to see the references for Jude, James, Joseph and Simon.

The last strong reference that most use is when Jesus uses the word "Woman", so in John 19:26-27 we can read "When Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son. After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own."
Some will be scandalized to see that JESUS in that particular and dolorous moment used the word "Woman" referring His mother. Try to understand the strong meaning of these verses. Jesus was "given" His mother to his predilect Disciple (John the Apostle), the meaning can be interpreted like JESUS "given" Mary to all of us in the figure of the Disciple, so all of us that love JESUS like His Disciple are "receiving" Mary as Our Mother. If Jesus used the word "Mother, behold thy son" can be viewed as Mary being only His Mother or only of the Disciples. From that hour all of us must receive Mary in our homes, because that "Woman" is Our Mother.

This issue will never see a end, there will be always a Christian that will see all the references with the several conclusions. Must important is faith and all these details can be surpassed by that!


The Bible references comes from Douay-Rheims.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Love your enemies - Ama os teus inimigos

Mathew 5:43-48

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Anger is the most easy sentiment that someone can feel deriving from everything you can imagine that others can do to you. So you will be a king in the right place, and not here in this tiny Planet earth if you can love your enemies, laugh to the the evil and do not have afraid of the legions, because the evil alone are week, that's why they work as a Legion. Pray and everything is just fine.

 Mateus 5:43-48

43 Ouvistes que foi dito: Amarás ao teu próximo, e odiarás ao teu inimigo.    44 Eu, porém, vos digo: Amai aos vossos inimigos, e orai pelos que vos perseguem;    45 para que vos torneis filhos do vosso Pai que está nos céus; porque ele faz nascer o seu sol sobre maus e bons, e faz chover sobre justos e injustos.    46 Pois, se amardes aos que vos amam, que recompensa tereis? não fazem os publicanos também o mesmo?    47 E, se saudardes somente os vossos irmãos, que fazeis demais? não fazem os gentios também o mesmo?    48 Sede vós, pois, perfeitos, como é perfeito o vosso Pai celestial.

O Ódio é o sentimento que mais facilmente alguém pode sentir provindo de tudo e mais alguma coisa que outros lhe possam fazer. Tu serás um Rei no sitio certo, e não aqui neste minúsculo Planeta Terra se amares os teus inimigos, dá uma risada ao mal e não tenhas medo das legiões, porque o mal sozinho é fraco, daí que ele se rodeie de Legiões. Reza e não te preocupes!
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