I have mentioned last year here in my blog how globalization and industrialization have influenced the world so drastically centuries ago, and I have wrote about what would be the next and the third "..ization" with a so strong and drastic influence for once again we see the world trembling from it.
I think we should not lose more time looking for that "word". TECHNOLOGIZATION
I was for some days with this word in my mind, and since then I was thinking what to write about it. Some hours ago coincidentally, Steve Jobs died and he was among others one of the few (No matter if others refers to dozens or hundreds, they still are few) that helped this new era to emerge. Globalization was a slow mode process and looking for names are not so easy, but we can find them and Industrialization was done faster, but even that was not faster than Technologization.
We are in the middle of this Technologization process, but in the last 30 years this process are seeing a so strong and fast occurring, that all of us can put a question in our minds.- "Will it end, and When?"
I am myself a product of this "word". I can't live without it, and like me millions around the world, but the big question is, - Is it positive for humankind? and more, - This actual crisis, have technologization something to do with it? Industrialization and globalization didn't "kill" man relation with God and the religion, but trembled the world and new ideologies surged and Russia (Revolution) and Germany (War) were the main catalysts in past century. The world survived and will continue until God wishes.
And about YOU, the world are looking for signs, and each one of us can see them in different ways.
I leave here some fast interrogations and please, think about them!
- We are almost 7 billion in the world, how many cell phones are the "world" using? Try to find the answer!
- You and you, and you, and you and........(We can write word by word, almost 7 billion "You") each one of us are "you" and GOD sees us as "you". You need to have a single relation with God and the church will gather you with others "you". Try to see the meaning about the cell phones and you in this world.
The world are being selfish, poverty are not accepted anymore peacefully, everyday we can read from worldwide press terrific crimes, the world seems to be hypnotized by evil.
This month started hot in Europe and I suppose it will end, birds have fallen this year from the sky in several regions without a consensus explanation, and I do not want to scare you, but this month pray more than you are used to do, because next one will not be easy for all of us. (Pray, Fast and "kill" the selfishness in you).
Everyone knows how internet are being used for evil purposes, but evil can be used in everything else, the purposes of this post is not to argue about the end of the technologization process (It is impossible), the main reason is to see some signs that can change the world in so dramatic way and how humankind should see GOD in this so selfish and technological world.
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Thursday, October 6, 2011
Technologization and YOU!
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