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Friday, April 22, 2011

Via Dolorosa - The route, the way, the passage!

Via Dolorosa is a street in old Jerusalem where Jesus walked trough His way to His crucification. The meaning in Portuguese is the same as Latin, VIA is the route, the way, the passage, DOLOROSA is the suffering, the painful path where GOD is showing how loves us.
Jesus followers at first had great difficulty to understand Jesus Passion and today thousands continue to do not understand. The power, all the human sentiments that can glorify a person only for his glorification means nothing to GOD's eyes and it is a brief personification only to human eyes and to our societies. Jesus,  the most valuable person that lived in our world died at human hands, the fear and ignorance from the responsible for Jesus's crucification are the same that across centuries and today don't follow and understand Jesus messages and His love.

Today I invite you to close your eyes only for a miserable 14 minutes and do in your mind and heart the stations of the cross, be humble, today more than ever and today is the right timing for you to forgive all the people that are hurting you, persecuting you, offending you and don't lose your trust in God and Jesus no matter what they are doing to you.

I will close this post with this message "Don't judge others by their appearance" you can see giants with  golden heart, don't be afraid of them and beware the wolves in sheep's clothing.

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